Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Firstly, Jody's kids are in desperate need of prayer. Please pray/send out good thoughts for them as their adoption is certainly running a course where there are unthinkable possibilities at the end.

Also, please go here and read about how the drought in Ethiopia is affecting the children. The area they are talking about in this article is VERY close to where our Tariku is from. In America we cannot fathom what this might be like. Even having been there, I have no idea what it would feel like to see your children slowly dying in front of you. There are no food shelters or YMCAs there to take care of these kids (not in the south anyway) and the entire thing is just tragic. Last night as we got a thunderstorm with torrential downpours I couldn't help but look at the overflowing Mississippi with a little bit of animosity. There is no reason that rain isn't going over there. Please, God let it get over there!

1 comment:

Farm-Raised said...

Tesi -- I can't open this link. Can you send it to me?
