Friday, May 09, 2008

A Night Off

I'm off tonight. As a mostly stay-at-home mom we don't really get vacation days do we? We don't get time off for years of service or sick days. We get 24/7 365 full time work and work it is! So tonight is my night off. No cooking, no cleaning, no baths, no bedtime stories or prayers just off. I figure since I'll be reminded of all the joys of motherhood on Sunday I should try to slip out and see if I still have "it".

So I took a shower. A long shower, with no heads peaking around the corner, no inquisitive eyes looking places. A long, hot shower all by myself. I got dressed in my non-mom-jeans jeans, put on some jewelry (no toddlers trying to steal it!), heels (no kids to chase after) and walked out the door WITHOUT picking up first (the horror!).

I went the long way to Jimmy Johns (my favorite sub place) because there were no kids in the backseat encouraging me to get where we need to go quickly. I ate my sub by myself without cutting anything or wiping anything. I stopped by a karoke bar (okay not really, but I did put in my Regina Spektor CD and sing REALLY loud so it's kind of the same) and then went to Borders where I currently am.

I've perused every shelf, weighed my options for mother's day presents (is there a better gift than books?) and now sit to blog with no greasy fingers touching screen or keyboard. In just an hour or so I'll hit up a movie (probably Baby Mama because it's all about women tonight and who doesn't love Tina Fey and Amy Poehler?).

I love being a mom, I really do; but sometimes I wonder if I can still go incognito. I wonder if I can go out in this world without my mom badge and not be blaringly obvious. Do I look like an imposter sitting here with little to do (comparatively)?

I like to think I can still go places sans kids and get accused of being a woman in the land of singledom. Though I would not wish that upon myself in a million years, it's still so interesting to wonder.

And lest you think I'm hankering for a life with no husband or kids, all you must do is take a gander in my purse. The present contents are: a love note to Zach, 2 pacifiers, a baggie of goldfish, 26 pictures of the kids, coupons (that needs no further explanation), a billfold with 12 pictures of the kids. And other things that give me away? Bags under the eyes, stretch marks on the belly, ring I proudly wear on my finger, wrinkles, 6-month-old dye job, split ends and lingering looks at kids (kind of creepy but true nonetheless).


Anonymous said...

Bless your heart Tesi! You go get 'em mama!

Erica Jo (mamasweetpea) said...

Sounds like ya still got it! Hope you enjoyed a little Tesi Time!