Monday, October 27, 2008

No More Roommate

So my sister is in her house. (Well, she's actually watching TV here now but she'll be staying the night at her place tonight).

The end of an era. It was fun having her.

Tonight when we were taking the kids to help her move some stuff in I was telling them how they would get to have a slumber party at her house. Tariku asked what a slumber party was and after I told him he said, "Well that sounds nice!" I laughed so hard it was so cute.

My mom told me that when we stay at her house Tariku always walks up to her bed in the middle of the night and says, "Grandma, I sleep with you." To which she opens the covers and lets him snuggle where he lays his head on her pillow and buries his feet in my dad. Too much cuteness.

The kid is too much. I just read a blog about the attachment process and though I realize it's not over, I'm so very thankful it has been so easy this far.

That face makes it very hard not to love him and he's a pretty forgiving guy which works out nicely for this hotflawedmama.

I love Tariku, he's one of my people.

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