Wednesday, January 07, 2009

WFC Total

It's in. It's more spectacular than I could've hoped for. You ready?


Did you catch that?


I'm blown away by it, really. Truth be told I was skeptical we'd hit $50,000. Not because I didn't believe in you all (I did) but because of various reasons and I kept thinking about just how much $50,000 is.

But you all got it. You gave out of your poverty and wealth. You gave with joy and hope. It was truly awesome.

Suffice it to say this campaign for water changed my entire perspective on money. We're entering the new year which means redoing budgets, looking at the last year with a magnifying glass.

It's incredible to see before Ethiopia and after as far as our spending habits go. We tightened our budget for extra curricular things and spent it more on pursing God's heart. Then, like a lot of humans, we slipped back a little. Until Water for Christmas.

Our budget looks downright monastic right now. Which I love.

We're not saints, so we'll mess up, surely. It's undoubtedly a lot less than what you guys are doing.

I really want to work on this. So much of our lives have been spent on hoarding and collecting and all of that. I've found such pleasure from giving instead of taking (though truth be told I do enjoy my fair share of taking, see that in next post).

I hope it changed you too. We're going to continue to rely on you every month. :) You good with that?


Thank you, thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So WFC is over? As in, this particular campaign is done?