Thursday, January 22, 2009

Jigs Up

I'm not nearly as cool as I think I am.

Did you guys see that last post? Yeah so I was so pumped up last night when we stayed at my sister's house (no water out at camp) because she had high speed internet.

So I finally joined Facebook because everyone keeps telling me to.

And somehow I emailed every single person in my email list. That is so embarrasing. I have no idea how I did that.

I apologize tremendously if I emailed you. You aren't the only one, I emailed the good folks at the government (who helped with the I-600a) so I'm sure they appreciated that.

So there it is. Jigs up. I am way out of my league with Facebook.


rebekah said...

I am unable to step up too - I keep getting emails from people asking to be my friend who I thought already were friends... that's about all I can do so far.

Anonymous said...


Cindy said...

That is awesome!

Farm-Raised said...


Andrea said...

lol, I got to that screen for Yahoo email adresses and thought I better stop I was afraid I would do the same.
So does this mean you really didn't want me as a friend?..LOL JK ;o)