Hang with me here. I’ve been thinking and dreaming about this blog for months so excuse me for my lengthiness and overall verbal vomit. But this is how I process and this is how I express passion over the blog world. I hope you catch it. I hope you read until the end.
Jody and I were brainstorming on our various monthly projects a few months ago one kept coming back to us as one we will do “soon”. It is obviously essential to everyone, and after looking into it we realized it’s doable. It’s within our reach. It’s one life-changing thing that could easily be eradicated in a few days, weeks, months, certainly in our generation.
We originally got negative feedback about doing something this big before/during the holiday season. People are using all of their discretionary income on Christmas presents; people are too wrapped up in family dinners and turkeys, chickens and decorations. We heard them all and though they are probably valid we know it’s the perfect time.
Because we aren’t called to do and to give when it’s convenient or when we have lots of money left after the end of the month. We aren't even called to give from our discretionary income (thank goodness, because who has any of that laying around anymore?) We are called to get uncomfortable and truly sacrifice. Trust God that He will take care of you and will make the payments happen. Give joyfully and to a cause that is above and beyond the “me-ness” that has captivated the world.
So what is the project? Well, without further ado...It’s
WATER FOR CHRISTMAS!What? Well we’re digging wells in Liberia. We’re digging wells because people all over the world have no idea what a clean drink of water tastes like. We're digging wells because, as mothers, we refuse to stand by and let other mothers watch their child die from drinking water from a tainted source. We're digging wells.
The reason this blog is difficult is because I have no idea what gets you readers fired up. There is no way to explain what and why people get passionate about certain subjects. So I’ll try to address a few here.
You the statistical type? The United States spends
$450 BILLION on Christmas A YEAR.
It would take just
$10 BILLION for EVERYONE IN THE WORLD to have access to clean water. Every day
4500 children die of water borne illnesses due to no access to clean water. In a week, 42,000 people die; 90% of those are children under 5.
Unsafe water and lack of basic sanitation cause 80% of all sickness and disease, and
kills more people every year than all forms of violence, INCLUDING WAR. 1.1 BILLION people on our planet lack access to safe, clean drinking water. That is
ONE in SIX of us.
$20 can give a person in Africa clean, safe drinking water for 20 YEARS.
Statistics not for you? How about God and/or Christianity and/or needing to tithe and don’t know where to put it? Re-read
this post.
Stop being okay with what is happening to our brothers and sisters across the world. DO something about it. Something big.
Take what you learn in your Bible studies and your church services to the world. Stop talking amongst yourselves about how awesome Jesus was;
SHOW the world how awesome He IS.
I can talk to you all like this because I am one of you crazies.
Not a Christian? Totally turned off by my Christianese? You’re human right? This is not a Christian or non-Christian thing we’re doing.
It’s a human thing.
This is what Jody wrote about “us” (the orphan ministry) and why we’re doing it: “We are people. Moms, Dads, Sons, Daughters. United by the desire to keep our eyes and hearts open. To increasingly live for things bigger than ourselves. So this Christmas season, we’re going to give up something. Big somethings. Little somethings. Going without so the people in Liberian villages can have access to clean water. The Moms, Dads, Sons, Daughters.”
This mission is humanity’s mission; not specific to one group of people.
If you don’t fall into any of those categories than I apologize. Zach told me not to guilt you all into this (I think that comes from his Catholic roots…kidding, kidding). So I won’t. Maybe try
Cassie or
But we’ve been trying to figure out a name to call our ministry for awhile. When her sister and brother-in-law asked Jody what she wanted people to know or do; she answered simply “Give a shit”.
So that’s what we’re asking you to do. (If Jody can cuss, and she’s a pastor’s wife, than surely I can too). A perhaps nicer way to say it is to “Go and serve”. Either way…
What I want from all of you is to donate (obviously). But perhaps more importantly just open your eyes. The next time you take a drink of water imagine the mom with children on her hips and a water jug on her head walking miles to get to a water hole that will one day kill her or her children. Get seriously disturbed with how the world is and how easily we can change it.
I get it, you’re sick of being asked to care aren’t you? I’m with you there. There are millions of things, good things, to get behind especially during the holiday season. So we’re not trying to say our mission is better or more appropriate than any other. We’re asking you to give to them all. ☺
Cut out 1 present for each child and give him/her WATER FOR CHRISTMAS. Stop exchanging gifts with your significant other and give them WATER FOR CHRISTMAS.
You know those parents who constantly remind you they need nothing? Give them WATER FOR CHRISTMAS.
Just do it (thanks, Nike) give WATER FOR CHRISTMAS.
More on the “how” later. Thanks for hanging in.