One is this:

It's one of those really great water bottles. If you'd like one, go over to Jody's and pre-order then we'll ship it to you and all of that.
The other is shirts. No image yet but imagine the coolest shirt you've ever seen...well, it's better than that. Bias aside they are really cool and even better, they were created by a college student who drank the "Water for Christmas" juice and can't get enough. A college student, don't we all wish we would've found something like this at that age when we were full of passion, no money but lots of friends? I think we should all support her (and the cause) and buy shirts too. There will be adult shirts as well as children's and the kid's shirts might just motivate you to adopt/procreate had you not done so before.
Here is a picture of the cards we have for you. The ones that either say "I gave Water for Christmas" or "I want Water for Christmas". Remember, if you want the pdf file for these cards just email me ( and you can consider it yours.

This is a picture of those bracelets (although they will come in bracelet form, not all like this) I was talking about. Didn't Amy do a great job? Recycled glass from Ghana? Seriously great. Only $5 which is a steal by any standards. Go to her etsy shop for those. With each one of those you get an "I gave WFC" card so that the person you gave it to knows what in the world you're talking about.

Now consider yourself equipped. Own this. Make it yours. Take credit for it, we don't care. Just do it. And make everyone you know do it. Believe me, the first few times you bring it up casually in conversation is awkward. Then you do it more and more and it starts to get comfortable. Then, if you're like me, you talk about Water for Christmas more than you talk about your kids and people start to look at you weird.
But really, that's what we're talking about. My kids. Our kids. Our brothers and sisters. GAS.
P.S. For those local folks, Andy Landers (a.k.a. Jody's husband) and Ellis Kell are playing at the Redstone Room tonight at 8. We will be there talking about Water for Christmas and enjoying the great music. Meet us there...drinks on you.
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