Wednesday, March 18, 2009

And We Have...

It was 77 degrees outside yesterday. 77 degrees. I loved it. We weren't inside at all except to take naps. We were having too much fun so I only snapped a few pictures, here's Dailah fake smiling for me.

The boys had swimming lessons. I was a bit nervous about this one's ability to listen seeings this was how squirrley he was from all the fresh air.

Today wasn't quite as nice, still 60 degrees so I really can't complain that much. After naps I made some bread then forced the kids to go outside. They went up to the basketball court while I started dinner. I went up to make sure all was ok. This is where I found the boys...

And the grill...or coat rack, depending on your perspective.

After some really good cheeseburger soup for dinner, we decided to spoil the kids. I gave the kids a bath while Zach made bowls of ice cream. We brought them upstairs and watched Kung Fu Panda. Lots of laughter, some chocolate spills but definitely made me ridiculously happy.

This group eating their ice cream.

And the eldest. Loving how zoned they are on the TV.

Then afterwards, we were dancing and the dancing led to kung fu fighting (that was the song so, naturally).

1 comment:

cathy said...

I wish we were neighbors. We like to play Kung Fu fighting at least once a week... it is especially fun to rock out to when pulling out of the church parking lot. Your kids are so, so sweet. Great photos, as usual!

ps--only 120 days until Half Blood Prince is in theaters. Never as good as the books, but still something to look forward to.