Friday, December 17, 2010


The roses are red today. For many reasons, I'm sure, but it's been a good day.

-- We went to get our window fixed and it ended up costing half of what we thought it would cost (hallelu).

-- While it was being fixed and all of the kids were at school, Zach and I went to my sister's house and did our household budget. Sometimes I can't believe how lucky I am to have him. An intelligent, patient, good-at-math man who happens to look amazeballs even after I asked him what half of 65 was.

--I just realized this is the last day of school for everyone before Christmas break. That means a lot of things that make me happy, especially I get to sleep in for 2 weeks that I get to see more of the kids!

--We got an email from Jake and Leslie! Here's a little snippet:

"So...our flights were uneventful.  Jake didn't sleep a wink.  I slept fine.  :-)

The first thing we did when we woke up this morning was go meet Baby Girl!!  This was a bonus.  We thought we'd only meet her once and we ended up going to her care center twice and spending three and a half hours of pure bliss with her!!  SHE IS BEAUTIFUL!  And amazing.  And so so so sweet.  I can't even tell you.  We are in love.  She loves to snuggle and we indulged her every second.  Seriously, she is more amazing and beautiful than we ever imagined.

This may be our only email.  We are in the guest house and the computer is at another complex.  We just wanted you to know that we are safe and sound and soaking in all of these new experiences.

We love you all!!!

Leslie and Jake"

Yipppeeee! That was fun to see.

--Sarah Butler (a friend on Facebook) sent me this link with the comment, "From the things you have shared about your hubby, This makes me think he could totally do this and maybe even better. Sorry about your car, hope this makes you smile a little." I love getting random things (that did help, thank you Sarah!) from people. 

--Yesterday the group of people who do my Bodyflow class regularly gave me a "little" Christmas gift. A 1 hour full body massage, a Starbucks gift card, a bottle of wine and some chocolates. With a card that made me cry all the way home.

I am a seriously blessed lady.

1 comment:

ChiTown Girl said...

Reading the snippet from Jake and Leslie made me smile. Thanks for sharing that. :)

And, I agree, Zach could have done that dance 100 times better!!