Sunday, July 13, 2008

Give me a "P"!

Doozie and her boyfriend, Zeke. I have a feeling her taking the wheel of the car will be a theme in her life.

Here are the kids at Jody's. Silas of the Bottomly fame were in town. He was adopted from Ethiopia as a wee baby a few months back. Good to talk to his mommy, Amy, about their process as well as spend some QT with the Landers.

The kids LOVE this at the lakehouse, who can blame them?

Trysten holding his second cousin, Alleyna. Really, just too cute. He got the idea from Tariku.

Tariku was obsessed with the babies. Had a hoot of a time feeding this cute gal.

Went to 2 weddings last weekend. Done for awhile. :) Grandma and her boys.

The kids were delirious after a long day of "I dos" so sugar was really the only thing that worked. I've never been above bribery.

One of my best friends from grade school was at the wedding, so great to catch up for awhile with her.

Tariku getting his cast off. I think he's cussing at the guy in Amharic. Bit freaked out about the whole saw bit but who can blame him?

Tariku and Doozie playing with Tariku's new cast. (only 2 more weeks!)

Yay photos!


Andrea said...

So beautiful!!
LOVE the mohawks!

ChiTown Girl said...

As always, too cute!!!