Sunday, January 24, 2010

Where Have I Been?

I've gotten a few emails asking where I've been and why I'm not telling all of you.

Well, put simply, Zach's been gone and I've been missing him. So if I would've blogged more than I did last week it would've sounded like this...

Waaa, waaaa, waaa, poor me, feel sorry for me, it's crappy outside and I haven't gotten out of sweatpants in 4 days."

And, seeings you all clearly think I'm perfect, I thought it best I let that inaccurate illusion hold.

But Zach's back, which in essence means the best part of me is back too, so I blog.

Seriously though, everytime Zach's gone I find my awe in single moms just intensify. Because it's exhausting. It's fun, worth it, but flippin' exhausting. So to the single mommies reading right now, I salute you, and am humbled by everything you do. Seriously. If you need a break, let me know, I'll give you the much needed break you deserve.

In other news, over a week ago we had our adoption classes for our newest adoption agency. Good times. Though we'd obviously been through it and heard most of it before, it was different having "been there done that". Some good reminders in there to be sure.

And, it gets us closer to our newest babies, which is exciting.

That's all I have for tonight. I hope you all have had an amazing, and infinitely more productive week.

Oh, and apparently when Zach is gone for a week, upon his return we dress alike and brush our teeth together and-in general-are the cutest couple you've ever seen.


Cindy said...

Yeah!!! I am excited to see how this new adventure goes : )

rebekah said...

You are too cute together. And of course I am thrilled to hear updates on the new adoption!

Jess said...

wait what? newest babies? like more than one? clearly I've missed something! Can't wait to hear more! And yes, very cute couple:)

Karee said...

Hey There-

I am one of your random blog readers. I stumbled upon it quite some time ago when I started checking out people's adoption blogs. We are beginning the adoption process from Ethiopia. We have selected agencies, but are just getting ready to send in our applications. But I am curious as to what agency you are using this time 'round.

hotflawedmama said...

Jess-Yes we're adopting 2 this time around. Why not, right? :) We're pretty excited about the whole deal.

Karee-Thanks for revealing yourself! I would love to talk to you about our agency. Email me at I just don't want to get into the whole thing yet on the blog. THanks!

Chatter said...

Yeah!! I love post about your next adoption. I'm so excited for you guys :). Cute pic of you two brushing your teeth.