Sunday, January 10, 2010

Melkam Ganna

or Gena or Gana, it's spelled multiple ways in English. Merry Christmas in Ethiopia! Celebrated on Jan. 7 there, it was celebrated Jan 9 here in hotflawedmamaland.

Our 2nd annual Ganna celebrations were a success, if I do say so myself. It's morphed a bit into a celebrate-all-of-Tariku's-favorite-things day but I think he likes it better that way anyway. :)

With all of Tariku's favorite foods: doro wot, pizza, brownies and ice cream, and most of Tariku's friends we brought in Ethiopians Christmas and New Year in a fantastic way.

A veggie dish, I can't remember what it's called.

Doro tibs. Chicken and some veggies.

Doro wot. Spicy chicken stew.

A little bit of everything for dessert. A cream puff dessert, brownies, french vanilla ice cream, cookies and cream ice cream and sprinkles galore.

Some of the people, notice the pizza on the table. We've gotten pretty good at deep dish-style pizza.


Zach and his mom, Terre.

Tariku and his friend, Thomas, enjoyed each other immensely.

This is the picture I call "lotta men on the couch". Papa Smurf, uncle Frank, Jared and my dad, John.

Russell, or "twin one".

Dailah reading to Papa.

Papa also entertained Elliot or "twin two".

The calamity.

Thankfully Logan and Kara were thrilled about helping in any way possible so my hands stayed clean.

Here Elliot shows how excited he is for little sister to come home from Ethiopia.


Dailah set up shop painting nails, she will soon be charging.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Thank you so much for such a fun evening. It meant a lot to us to be included in such a special event.And all the food was terrific. You and Zach are great hosts! And truly Thomas had a great time with your boys. We have a lot of wrestling shots to prove it! I must add, my children's juice consumption required a lot of scrubbing of mouths this morning before church. Look forward to seeing you Tuesday evening.