Saturday, June 19, 2010


We had a purposefully laid back, family focused day today. Baseball game, pizza place/fun house, Toy Story 3.

It was fantastic. It was probably the last time we'll do it before we become a family of 7. It really couldn't have been a better day (save for the sunburn I received at baseball). These people make me so very happy.

A picture of my boys (and father-in-law, who came with my mother-in-law to baseball and dinner) after bumper cars.


Cami said...

I got to meet your boys! They are precious. So glad you're leaving soon to bring them home. Enjoy every minute you are there. It's travels!

Cindy said...

Woot!! So so excited!

cathy said...

I have a lot of time on my hands right now... sleeping on the floor with kids all around me. I'm not exactly sleeping, so I'm praying. And I am so praying for you. Hugs.

Papa Frank said...

It was really fun for me too. Thank you for letting me be part of a great day. I love the picture.