Wednesday, June 13, 2012

iPhone Photo Dump

I miss blogging, I do. But we are still caught up in the excitement of spending as much time together as we can possibly can (and sometimes more than we can possibly want!) so for now you get only pictures. 

Zach has some really awesome style. His fashion sense has always far surpassed mine, which I appreciate most of the time (one recent shopping incident, however, found me trying on a pair of neon orange leggings and oversized equally neon tank top. Fail) but especially when he buys the women's department. Because we get to share. 

My sister and her boyfriend recently brought home this ridiculously cute puppy, Tucker. My niece Adley Sue loves him. I love them both too much. My bro and sis-in-law are moving my niece back to Des Moines soon. I am crying right now just thinking about it. No idea what I'll do when I can't stop by all the time to see her.

Mother's day was awesome. My kids are amazing, my husband spoils me. I am so, so lucky to be their mom.

A few days before school ended I sprung Trysten out early and took him to The Hunger Games. He had finished the book and was able to tell me all about it and even got a connection between THG and war, etc. Loved every second of that.

This summer I've started doing yoga with the kids. I couldn't believe how they all just went right into it without goofing around or giggling or farting for a full 45 minutes. The last 10 minutes of meditation they were all still and silent. They beg me for it everyday. Love that.

Last day of preschool, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade. Can't believe it myself.

We started our garden later than last year. Doesn't matter, I'm still so excited about all of the fresh produce that will be ours shortly.

My brother is now far enough along in his chiropractic studies to adjust the family. Kind of cool to see him work it all out. Pretty surreal as well.

Baseball. Story of our summer. Boys playing LOTS but also we've gotten to go to our beautiful Single A? stadium a few times as well. Can you believe how beautiful that view is from the stadium?

Went to a Chinese restaurant and the kids got these fortunes. It is eery how well it describes them (in order of age). Crazeballs.

At a baseball game Dailah asked to snuggle up to take a nap. Despite how much it freaks me out that she's so big, I can't get enough of how much I love this when my kids do this.

He's going to Kindergarten. This was his round up. I can't talk about it.

Zach was a baseball pitcher. A good one. Played in college and all that. I got to see him pitch a few times and was nervous for him then. But nothing compares to when my sons pitch. Trysten really loves pitching, I love/hate watching him. Regardless of how good he is, the kid looks the part.

And then Tariku. So hard to watch. He's so competitive that if he throws a ball his whole body slumps. Ay yi yi. Regardless, his little booty and his afro make him the coolest looking kid on the field.

She borrowed my tank top, tied it in the back and made herself a dress. She gets that from her dad, as mentioned previously.

This would be Dailah and Binyam's lives lately. Let's watch baseball, again and again and again. They never complain mostly because they get slushies.

She loves chips. It is cute. The end.

I promise, more words later.